Bieg Zielonych Sznurowadeł
5. edycja Biegu
The jubilee 5th edition of The Run is coming up!
2 dystanse: półmaraton i 5 km
Running distance: a half-marathon and 5 kilometres
atestowane trasy, elektroniczny pomiar czasu, medal dla każdego kto dobiegnie do mety, energetyczni kibice, zielono w głowie – to wszystko zapewniamy w niedzielę 17 marca w Puławach.
We provide: both running routes attested by Polish Athletic Association, electronic timing system, a medal for each participant, lively and energetic supporters. When? Sunday, March 17th
Zapisy – wystarczy kliknąć na —–> ZAPISY —> REGISTRATION
Regulamin —-> REGULAMIN_02 Puławianie i 31 st
więcej informacji w zakładce –> BIEGI
i na fanpage na facebooku —> FB
Running distance: a half-marathon and 5 kilometres
Registration and fees available online via Pokochaj Bieganie w Lublinie website until March 11th (Monday, 11:59 pm)
Should you wish to register after the deadline, it is only available in The Run Office open from 10 am to 5 pm in Galeria Zielona Pulawy on March 16th (Saturday). It is required to sign up for an account on Pokochaj Bieganie w Lublinie website and then log in to register for The Run.
IMPORTANT: On the day of The Run registration WILL NOT be possible. You will only be able to collect your bib number then.
The list will be closed after 300 participants have registered and paid a fee for the run.